Theresa Living Center provides transitional housing, rapid re-housing, and support services to women and single-parent families who are striving to move from homelessness to self-sufficiency. 

Our Programs

Theresa Living Center - Residential is a program on the east side of St. Paul that provides housing for 12 women who are single, pregnant, or with a child under the age of one year. We provide case management services to help them determine the resources they need to achieve self-sufficiency—such as rental assistance, transportation, counseling and medical care, job training and employment opportunities, and access to information and referrals. Each woman has her own room with sink, but all other living facilities are shared. Participants may stay in the program for up to two years. 

Theresa Living Center - Caroline Family Services provides case management services and rental assistance to 24 single-parent families and their children living in their own apartments in Ramsey County, including Saint Paul. The families usually consist of two or more children (of any age), and program services are provided for up to two years.


For both programs, our goals are to:

  • provide a safe, nurturing environment for participants
  • collaborate with existing agencies to address specific needs of homeless single women and their children
  • provide individualized guidance to participants in planning their life goals, and ongoing evaluation of their progress in achieving them
  • strengthen participants’ basic home management and living skills, including budgeting and financial planning
  • help and encourage participants in their search for affordable, permanent housing.


We assist each family in setting goals for themselves and defining what successful outcomes will look like. Program participants meet with case managers on a bi-weekly basis, helping our families stay focused on their goals, improve their living situation, and work towards self-sufficiency.

Since homelessness has such an impact on the children and their long-term ability to achieve academically and become responsible citizens of the future, we check and monitor not only the parent’s success, but also the children’s success in school attendance and achievement.

To find out how to participate in one of our programs, click here.